
2010 International Stallion Guide:

For breeders who believe in quality

Auction Stallions


1996 Hanoverian Chestnut - 16.2 h/1.68 m

Owner: Augustin Walch & Christine Walch

 Viva Voltaire at Verden Stallion Inspection 

Breeder: Arend Kamphorst, Germany
Contact: Augustin or Christine Walch
RR #3, #3780 Road 122
Stratford, ON
Canada N5A 6S4
Stable: W. Charlot Farms Limited
Tel: 519-271-5322
Fax: 519-271-4021
Email: wcharlotfarm@cyg.net
Web: charlotfarm.com
Licensed: Hannover, AHS, Oldenburg, CWHBA, CSHA
Auction Details:

Stud Fee: $1,500 Cdn
Booking Fee: N/A
Opening Bid: $750 Cdn
Booking Fee Donated in Auction: N/A
Semen & Availability: Frozen - Unlimited, Cooled April 15 to July 30 with some flexibility
LFG: Yes
Other Auction Conditions: LFG for mares to 14 years of age - enquire with stallion owner if mare is older. Mare owners is responsible for $350 collection and shipping fees.

We consider Viva Voltaire, sire of several International Dressage horses, our best kept secret.

We find our Viva offspring to be very marketable, especially as dressage and hunter prospects. Viva typically produces beautiful horses with lots of chrome, outstanding movement, good jumping technique and the most wonderful temperament.

During his first years as a breeding stallion, Viva Voltaire produced outstanding horses for the dressage and hunter ring.

Three horses (born 2001) from Viva's first year of breeding are training at the GP level in dressage. Viva Voltaire was the only stallion that had two offspring compete at the 2011 Pan Am Games in Dressage. Viva's Salieri and Tom Dvorak were the best horse rider combination for Team Canada that won the Silver Medal at the Pan Am Games in Mexico, finishing fourth individually. Viva's Veroveraar competed for Guatemala with Esther Mortimer.

Vivaldi, Viva Las Vegas, Viva's Hit and Viva's Primus claimed numerous Hunter and Equitation Championships in the US. In Ontario, "Otherwise" claimed the Ultimate Hunter Challenge title for the second time in 2009.

Several "Vivas" have won young horse jumper classes both in Canada and the US.

Viva Voltaire has proven himself in the jumper ring, winning the Ontario Jumper Championship for 4 and 5 year old horses as a FOUR Year old. In 2001, he was Ontario Reserve Champion and Canadian Reserve Champion at the Royal Winter Fair. According to "Der Hannoveraner" Viva was the stallion with the best jumping technique at the Hannoverian licensing in 1998.

Viva Voltaire offers his outstanding temperament, movement, versatility and athleticism to your breeding program. Both cooled and frozen semen are available throughout the breeding season. Semen shipments to US based mare owners are shipped out of Buffalo, NY, as domestic shipments.

Viva's Salieri Photo: Cealy Tetly

Viva's Rainbow
