
2010 International Stallion Guide:

For breeders who believe in quality

Stallions: Sport Horse


2002 Belgian Warmblood Dark Bay - 16 h/1.63 m

Owner: Donna Drott


Breeder: Ludo Custers, Germany
Contact: Jen Hammond
5790 Jefferson Road
North Branch, MI
USA 48461
Stable: Borderline Farm Ltd.
Tel: 810-459-9630
Fax: 810-688-8714
Email: coronado-coronado@earthlink.net
Web: www.coronadoww.com
Licensed: BWP, CWHBA, RPSI, ISR/Oldenburg NA, AWR

Coronado WW is a beautiful stallion of type and substance. His Dutch influenced pedigree is acknowledged to include some of the best and most pre-potent sires in the world. Coronado's sire, Orlando has proven himself as a Grand Prix Jumper winning many competitions in Europe. Grandsire, the Keur stallion Heartbreaker is presently one of the best sport horse producers in Europe. His sire, the legendary KEUR PREFERENT Stallion Nimmerdor (The absolute most famous KWPN approved sire) is seen twice in Coronado's pedigree both on the Sire and Dams side. Coronado's dam's sire, the French Stallion Kannan has many international Grand Prix wins to his name. We round out Coronado's pedigree with the legendary KEUR PREFERENT Stallion Voltaire, Furioso II, Sandro and again Nimmerdor.

Coronado's talent and pedigree have laid the foundation for not only a great horse but a sire as well. Gaining his preliminary approvals at only 3 years of age Coronado has been profiled as "one to watch for" in the Show Jumping ranks. He posses an explosive jump in "textbook" style that has warranted praise from all inspectors.

He slowly and carefully began his career with a solid dressage foundation in 2006 earning 4th place at the USDF BC Region 2 Finals, and a 1st place award with the BWP/NAD. He competed at intro and training level earning scores in the 60's. In 2007 he moved into the Jumper Ring and as a testament to his kind-willing attitude he is successfully competing with an Amateur rider.

Coronado WW's first offspring arrived in 2006 a call to his strong genetics Coronado WW is consistently producing top quality offspring, with 1st place, 2nd place and Gold Medal scores at all inspections 2006, 2007 & 2008.

Offspring results: In 2009 the BWP/NAD inspection proved that Coronado WW is consistently producing quality offspring. A filly (J-Mireio WW) scored an 86 which is 2nd high score for the tour. Other 2009 offspring scored premium at many sites in the US. Also, Ikahn WW was high score yearling for the 2009 yearling futurity. In 2008 the BWP/NAD inspection results were as follows: Colts - 1st (Ikahn WW), 2nd (Izod WW), 3rd (Izic WW), & 5th (Infinity) with one colt being recommended as a stallion candidate. Fillies - 1st (Ivette WW), 3rd (Izabeau) & 4th (Indevor WW).

In the yearling class a 2007 Premium filly (Hilton WW) won the Yearling Futurity, and a 2006 Premium colt (Georgetown WW) won the 2 Year Old Futurity. In 2007 Coronado WW produced a 1st place colt and 2 - 1st place fillies for the BWP/NAD one of which was the highest score in the US. Coronado WW's Colts of 2006 were premium for all registries.

In 2008 Coronado WW was approved and licensed with the ISR/OLD NA and was the highest score stallion at the Keuring, and 2nd high of the US Tour. He also produced his 1st Premium filly for the ISR/OLD.

Coronado WW is the high score stallion for the 2007 RPSI 30 Day Test and has produced Gold and Silver medal offspring consistently for the RPSI.

Rapidly proving himself as a Sire Coronado WW has been successfully crossed on many different mare types resulting in an astounding consistency in type, athletic ability, movement and incredible free jumping talent stamped on all his foals.

Contact: Jen Hammond - 810-459-9630 or coronado-coronado@earthlink.net
Standing at: Borderline Farm Ltd. www.borderlinefarmltd.net
Offspring for sale at: www.worldwideequine.net

Auction Details:

Opening Bid: $525 Cdn
Booking Fee: $260 Cdn
Booking Fee Donated in Auction: Yes
Semen: Cooled and Frozen
Semen Availability: March - July 31
Other Conditions: Mare owner responsible for collection fees and provide a Fed Ex account number for shipping.

Ikahn WW 2008 colt

Jaz Mine 2009 filly
