
2010 International Stallion Guide:

For breeders who believe in quality

Auction Stallions


1996 Imported Irish Sport Horse Chestnut - 16 h / 1.63 m

Owner: Harry & Mollie Chapman

 Cansport Photography 

Breeder: Edward & Catherine Doyle, Nass co. Kildare, Ireland
Contact: Carol Ives
1180 SW Zivney Lane
Lake Oswego, OR
USA 97034
Stable: Sport Horse Marketing Internationale
Tel: 503-638-7716
Fax: 503-638-8099
Email: Carol@FlexibleGrandPrixJumper.com
Web: FlexibleGrandPrixJumper.com
Licensed: Irish Sport Horse
Auction Details:

Stud Fee: $2,000 Cdn
Booking Fee: $500 Cdn
Opening Bid: $1,000 Cdn
Booking Fee Donated in Auction: No
Semen & Availability: Frozen - Unlimited
LFG: Yes
Other Auction Conditions: As per breeding contract.

Flexible has taken the International Jumping world by storm proving his powerful heart and Irish bred quality time and again. Just two years ago, under the remarkable Rich Fellers (USA) Flexible rocked the European Continent seemingly coming out of no where to place second in the Rolex/FEI World Final in Gotenburg, Sweden. Since then Flexible and Rich have bounced their way to the top and this super horse just keeps on improving and winning.

These are just some of Flexible's results: USA Team win 2008 5 star BMO Nations Cup, Spruce Meadows. Won the 2009 $55,000 Warsteiner World Cup at Thunderbird. Won 2009 Sacramento International World Cup Qualifier. Won 2010 $55,000 World Cup Qualifier at the CSI 2 British Columbia Open at Thunderbird. Won 2010 $30,000 CSI2 Thunderbird Spring Classic. USA Team win 2010 BMO Nations Cup Spruce Meadows. First Round Winners 2010 Rolex/FEI World Cup Final. Won 2010 $100,000 Grand Prix of Del Mar. Won 2010 $55,000 World Cup Qualifier CSI 2 British Open Thunderbird and won 2010 $50,000 LA International Grand Prix.

Breeders take note. This is a rare opportunity to breed to a stallion that is currently competing and winning both Nationally and Internationally. Flexible isn't a prospect, he's the real deal- a proven International Grand Prix Stallion with the style, speed, bascule and balance desired by riders and the courage and heart necessary for a team horse.

Flexible offspring availabe on the website.

Rich accepting his Rolex watch after his 1st round win at the 2010 Rolex/FEI World Cup Final in Geneva, Switzerland

Photo: Kim Houghton / Rich & Flexible at the 2010 World Cup in Geneva, Switzerland
