
2010 International Stallion Guide:

For breeders who believe in quality

Auction Stallions


2000 Hanoverian Liver Chestnut - 16 h / 1.63 m

Owner: Topline Farms, LLC

 Photo: Robin Quasebarth / Top scores and wins in Hunters and show jumping and also Qualified for Bundeschapionate 

Breeder: Robert Deistel, Germany
Contact: Dacia Peters-Imperato
31938 Temecula PRKY A.
Temecula, CA
USA 92592
Stable: Stepping Stone Farm, LLC
Tel: 951-226-4986 cell 951-240-9384 office
Fax: 951-302-7148
Email: DaciaImperato@aol.com
Web: SteppingStoneSporthorses.com
Licensed: AHS, Vhs, GOV, ISR N/A, KWPN, SWANA & others on request
Auction Details:

Stud Fee: $1,700 Cdn
Booking Fee: $300 Cdn
Opening Bid: $850 Cdn
Booking Fee Donated in Auction: Yes
Semen & Availability: Frozen - Unlimited; Cooled and On Farm AI - Unlimited except for black out dates posted on the website
LFG: Yes
Other Auction Conditions: Bidder must fill out and return the 2012 breeding contract and mare soundness documents. If the breeding is used in 2012 the booking fee will be waived. All arrangements must be set up with the agent and agent's vet and there will be no other outside party brokering of semen unless set up by agent Dacia Peters-Imperato personally.

For Play jumps with the style of a top hunter, with the scope and power of a show jumper and floats with balance, confidence and rhythm of a dressage horse.

For Play had proven himself very young with a win at 1.40 meters as a 5 y/o. Since his importation his owners want to prove his versatility and ability and have cross trained him in other disciplines than what his pedigree would show he was bred for. He stands alone a class of his own in North America for his outstanding pedigree and does not share his lines or credentials with any other stallion standing. His ability to learn and his rideability are proven with his success. He shines as a dressage competitor with scores in the mid 70's in USDF and currently schooling FEI with confirmed piaffe, tempi's and pirouettes with much more talent to move up the levels. For Play's style and movement have proven success in the hunter ring as Champion at several "A" rated hunter competitions in his first showing year.

Prior to being imported he won his 30 day stallion test in Germany. For Play won by such a margin that he was exempted from the conclusion of the 70 day test so he could stand at the Celle State stud and participate in the jumper breeding program where he has produced licensed stallion sons.

For Play has had an excellent conception rate! With mostly premiums, inspection site champions and stallion candidates being recognized in his foals. His foals are extremely marketable and all of which that have been offered for sale have been sold in the upper price bracket for age (ex 10k in utero, 15-20k weaning) . He gives his foals his very typey head, jumping ability and scope as well as his lofty, suspended powerful gait. He stamps his foals so heavily that he almost duplicates himself. He has produced all colors including black out of a bay mare, chestnut, buckskin and bay. His temperament and his ability to pass it on foals is a very important characteristic that will create top show horses for professionals and amateurs to enjoy and win with.

For Play stamps his foals with correct premium and stallion candidate foals.

Top dressage scores in the 70's USDF 3rd Level / Photo: Mario Imperato

Two of For Play's 5 y/o fillies in Germany.
