
2010 International Stallion Guide:

For breeders who believe in quality

Auction Stallions


1992 Hanoverian Bay - 16.3 h / 1.70 m

Owner: Rainbow Equus Meadows


Breeder: Eleonore Schorlemmer, GER
Contact: Edgar Schutte
46 West Wise Road
Lincoln, CA
USA 95648
Stable: Rainbow Equus Meadows
Tel: 916-645-1471
Fax: 916-645-9417
Email: edgar@rainbowequus.com
Web: rainbowequus.com
Licensed: VHW, AHS, CWHBA, GOV, ISR/Oldenburg NA
Auction Details:

Stud Fee: $1,300 Cdn
Booking Fee: $477 Cdn
Opening Bid: $650 Cdn
Booking Fee Donated in Auction: Yes
Semen & Availability: Cooled and Frozen - Unlimited
LFG: Yes
Other Auction Conditions: 3 year return LFG.

BIDDER'S CHOICE: LANDKONIG OR Baron Van Gogh, Corcovado, Escudo II, Pablito, Pablo, Rubignon, or Wild Dance

Landkonig progeny earned 1 million dollars in winnings and several cars. Landkonig produced the highest selling jumper ever sold at the German Hanoverian Sales as well as a licensed son, '03 and '04 BuCha qualifiers and 11 selections for German sales out of 45 registered offspring. In '05 one Landkonig gelding sold at the prestigious PSI for $437,000 and later again for 1.5 million.

Landadel, Champion of his 100 Day test is one of the leading German sires and the most successful stallion of his age group. Landkonig's dam line produced 8 licensed stallions. Landkonig's dam Luna, as written in Eylers millennium stallion book, also produced Devon champion Gron1ad, Gratulata a World Cup qualifier with Michael Matz, Gina champion of Luxembourg and 1991 BuCha participants and GP jumpers Genua and Gentleman.

Landkonig scored a 9.5 for stadium jumping at his 100 day test with a test index almost equally high in jumping as ridability. Landkonig who is easy to ride also scored 8's for character, temperament and willingness to work. Chef d'Equipe Herbert Meyer bred his mares to Landkonig. Landkonig had several top inspection foals and in '07 La Bamba became E.E. and inspection mare champion. Lord Tryon MF won the Bari von Buedingen award. In '09 Landkonig made the "topliste Hanoveraner Hengste" with a jumping breed value of 135, highest of any Hanoverian standing in North America. In '05 eight yr old son Lucullus won his first Grand Prix. 4 yr. old Landfall placed 3rd in the 2007 IJF 9 yr old Lipton and his Dutch rider placed in the 2007 CSI Beervelde G.P. Lantinus made history by winning 3 big G.P.'s in 3 weeks; Wiesbaden, Bourg en Bresse & Cannes and then placed 2nd in San Patrignano's 200,000Euro GP. In '08 the FEI ranked 10 yr old Lantinus was the #1 jumper in the world for several months. 2009 FEI year end ranked #3 Hanoverian. He won the 2009 Aachen Grand Prix and Falsterbo Nation's Cup. Landkonig produced Elite Mares and is one of the leading producers for the Hanoverian jumper breeding program.

Photo: Tamara Torti

Lantinus by Landkonig/Rider Denis Lynch
