
2010 International Stallion Guide:

For breeders who believe in quality

Auction Stallions


2005 Rheinlander Black - 16.31/2 h / 1.71 m

Owner: Saint Louis Equestrian Center

 Lord Ferragamo / Premium Rheinland Stallion 

Breeder: Z.G. Pleines, Germany
Contact: Dr. Chris Perry
11155 Dunn Rd, Suite 102 North
Saint Louis, MO
USA 63136
Stable: Saint Louis Equestrian Center
Tel: 314-749-2696
Fax: 314-367-9396
Email: ChrisPerry@SaintLouisEquestrianCenter.com
Web: SaintLouisEquestrianCenter.com
Licensed: Westphalian, Rheinlander, AWS, CWHBA
Auction Details:

Stud Fee: $1,250 Cdn
Booking Fee: $250 Cdn
Opening Bid: $625 Cdn
Booking Fee Donated in Auction: Yes
Semen & Availability: Frozen - Unlimited
LFG: Yes
Other Auction Conditions: 4 doses of frozen semen shipped at a time with a LFG over 2 breeding seasons.

Lord Ferragamo (Lord Loxley/Ferragamo/Anmarsch) is an imported premium Rheinlander stallion. He was awarded Premium status at his stallion licensing in Wickrath, Germany in 2007. In 2008 he completed his 30 Stallion Testing in Munster-Handorf, Germany and in 2009 completed his 70 Day Test in Warendorf,Germany.

Lord Ferragamo is the only approved son of Lord Loxley standing in North America. Lord Ferragamo has 2 fully approved brothers. The older, Lord Leatherdale, was Reserve Champion of his Dutch Warmblood Stallion Testing. The younger was just licensed in 2009 in Germany.

Lord Ferragamo's sire is one of the most sought after dressage stallions in Europe. As for Lord Sinclair, Weltmeyer and Ferragamo, they are some of the most famous and valued producers of sporthorses in history. Anmarsch is Lord Ferragamo's dam's damsire. He is the son of Angelo who produced several Olympic competitors as well as being the damsire of Rubinstein I. Lord Ferragamo's dam line is very impressive with 10 of the first 15 being SPS or VPS mares.

In 2010, his first year of competition, Lord Ferragamo was the USDF Dressage Horse of the Year for First Level 12th Place (Over 73%), USDF All-Breeds Award for Training Level 4th Place, and USDF All-Breed Award 1st Level Reserve Champion. Lord Ferragamo was Show Champion at 7 dressage shows during the 2010. He received over 77% at Training and First Level, including a 77.667 from Olympic Judge Axel Steiner at First Level.

Lord Ferragamo was the Region 2 Reserve Champion at second level and USDF All-Breeds Award third Place winner in 2011. He passes his movement, topline, and temperment to his foals out of a variety of mares and are an improvement of their dams in all cases so far for this young stallion.
