
2011 International Stallion Guide:

For breeders who believe in quality


GP Raymeister Scores 72% at Grand Prix

Posted: July 27, 2011

Silverwood Farms, Wisc. – June 11,12--GP Raymeister went down the center line at the Grand Prix Level for the first time this weekend and scored over a 72% from judge Fran Dearing.

"Ray" and his rider/trainer Yvonne Barteau had been training all winter at the Grand Prix. Hard work, dedication and a remarkable partnership between horse and rider clearly paid off.

Yvonne also debuted her Rocky soundtrack Grand Prix Musical Freestyle on Ray and was rewarded for her ambitious routine with a 74% from judge Tom Poulin.

GP Raymeister and Yvonne Barteau will continue showing throughout the summer season. More good news is sure to follow.

For information contact: Ginna Frantz, Owner, Grand Prix Equestrian, 312 593 4466

GP Raymeister

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